Southwest Therapy Specialists, P.C.

Women's Health/Pelvic Pain: You Are Not Alone

The private area involving the pelvis is a specialization of the Pelvic Physical Therapists at Southwest Therapy Specialists. Compassion and sensitivity is a hallmark of the manual orthopedic Physical Therapist/Pelvic PT. Specific musculo-skeletal and nervous system diagnoses treated includes, but is not limited to: bladder control problems, urinary incontinence (leakage with laughing or coughing), fecal incontinence, constipation, interstitial cystitis (pelvic pain syndrome), chronic pelvic pain (CPP), weakness or pain with the pelvic floor, oncology complications following cancer radiation. If pain persists, despite physician treatment, for certain conditions may be successfully treated by the Pelvic Physical Therapist. Erroneous treatment for perceived prostate infections or bladder infections may actually only be tight muscles mimicking infection and simply require myofascial techniques and release/retraining with desensitization. Tight muscles, weak muscles, failed medication treatment, or persistent pain in the pelvis? Ask for a direct referral to the Pelvic PT. Worth a phone call and one visit, it is that simple.

Although the topic is often uncomfortable and embarrassing area to discuss, our team knows you are not alone.  In order to ease the concerns and stress often experienced with pelvic pain and related lower abdominal issues, during the first visit with the the Pelvic Physical Therapist, be prepared to describe the symptoms in as much detail as possible, and tell the PT what makes it worse. Pelvic PTs have specialized in the lower abdomen and are highly regarded with their skill and expertise in both Women’s Health and Men’s Health issues including, but not limited to:

    • Pelvic pain

    • Hip or buttock pain

    • Tailbone or pubic bone pain

    • Inability to sit

    • Pelvic joint pain

    • Pain with sexual intercourse

    • Tender points in the muscles of the abdomen

    • Reduced ability to move the low back or hips

    • Difficulty walking, sleeping, and doing physical activities

    • Urinary frequency, urgency, or incontinence; leakage with sneezing, coughing or laughing

    • Painful bowel movements; fecal incontinence

    • Constipation or straining with bowel movements

It is essential for a physician to rule out major issues before referring to Southwest Therapy Specialists for pelvic floor treatment to address any major issues. However success in Pelvic Physical Therapy treatment, just as with any muscle treatment, will be easier and quicker to heal if the Pelvic Physical Therapist begins treatment even while physician care is still in progress, and diagnostic testing or physician specialist referral is being pursued. .

What To Expect:

Upon the first visit, a confidential and private history discussion of the symptoms and reason for seeking help with the pelvic area will occur. The Pelvic Physical Therapist will perform an examination to identify the causes of the pelvic pain and any muscle tightness or weakness, pinched nerves and any joint pain. The examination should include an internal evaluation of pelvic muscles located inside the abdominal cavity. The PT may determine whether the physician may consider referral for additional tests not previously considered.

Symptom commonly discussed include: it feels like an aching pain; a burning, sharp, or stabbing pain, or even pins and needles. With prolapse, there may be a sensation of pelvic heaviness or feeling as if sitting on a ball due to the organs bulging at the vagina opening. Men and women both describe urinary frequency, leakage or urgency. Constipation and/or fecal incontinence may also be issues.

Based on the examination results, the highly specialized Pelvic Physical Therapist will select from treatments designed to reduce muscle tightness, improve muscle strength, and improve how to use the muscles located inside the pelvic cavity—which in turn helps reduce pain and increase ability to perform roles in the home, in the community, and at work.

A customized team approach is the most effective treatment, including but not limited to: training the muscles to regain the muscle-memory, strengthening the core muscles, retraining posture muscles, stretching and relaxing the body with personalized and small group instruction involving yoga inspired flexibility and stretching, and utilizing a variety of techniques to manage pain, incontinence or any unique issues. In addition to one-on-one treatments with the Pelvic Physical Therapist, treatments will typically be involving the specialized Physical Therapy Assistant, on land and in the Aquatic Therapy program. Unique to Arizona, these one-of-a-kind treatments offer a team dedicated to Women's Health. 

There currently are no other practices in Arizona that combine the specializations available at Southwest Therapy Specialists, PC. The support groups are also unique and each of the highly specialized therapists can help guide participation, if desired, with other women who know what similar experiences and have already successfully regained their lives.

"This is my life you have given back to me. I am so grateful. You gave me hope. This is a special place." - MA (patient)

Pelvic Physical Therapists receive highly specialized training in pelvic floor muscle spasm or weakness, pain, incontinence or leakage, and posture associated with this area.
Recapture the ability to laugh outloud without fear or embarrassment from pelvic dsyfunction.
Sacroiliac sacrotuberous ischiofemoral iliofemoral ligaments Sacral Plexus Nerves Pelvic PT
Pelvic Physical Therapy Transverse Perinaei Sphincter Vaginae Compressor Urethrae Gluteus Maximus
Southwest Therapy Specialists Pelvic Physical Therapy Orthopedic Therapy strength flexibility pain

Our specialists will teach you how to do relaxation exercises, strengthening exercises and, yes, you will have "homework" to:

    • Show you how to "find" the right muscles and use them correctly.

    • Use pelvic-floor exercises to help you strengthen your muscles so that they can properly support the pelvic organs. Pelvic-floor exercises include "kegels," in which you gently squeeze the sphincter muscles and squeeze the buttocks, thighs, and stomach muscles.

    • Instruct you in exercises to stretch and strengthen other important muscles and retrain them so that they work together normally.

You are not alone. There are Pelvic Physical Therapists to help you.

From tight pelvic floor muscles that make emptying your bladder or having a bowel movement difficult and sexual intercourse painful; to weak pelvic floor muscles that drip a little every day, leak when you laugh or sneeze, or go through 7 or 8 pads a day and prohibit you from getting out to be with family and friends for fear of leakage , incontinence or inability to get to a restroom "in time"; there are specialists to help you. Southwest Therapy Specialists, PC strives to ensure to minimize embarrassment and help you regain your life and control of your pelvic issues. Ask your physician for a referral and ask to have it faxed to (602) 249-4115. Call (602) 249-9129 and ask to have one of our skilled and highly passionate Pelvic PTs return your call, or our Patient Care Coordinators to discuss your insurance needs.

Additional information can be found about Pelvic PT at